Nigerian army mistakenly bombs civilians in idp camps scores killed #

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's devastating to hear about the Nigerian Army mistakenly bombing civilians in IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camps, resulting in scores of people killed.

This is a tragic and unacceptable incident that highlights the importance of ensuring the safety and security of civilians, especially those who have been displaced from their homes due to conflict or other crises.

The Nigerian Army has a responsibility to protect its citizens, and it's crucial that they take immediate action to investigate this incident, provide support to the affected families, and ensure that those responsible are held accountable.

It's also essential that the government and other stakeholders work together to provide aid and assistance to the IDP camps, ensuring that the basic needs of the displaced persons are met, and that they receive the necessary support to rebuild their lives.

I hope that the Nigerian government and the international community will take swift action to address this incident and provide support to the affected families.