Nigerian army debunks amnesty international allegations

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Nigerian Army Debunks Amnesty International Allegations

The Nigerian Army has dismissed allegations made by Amnesty International (AI) regarding human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings by the military in the country.

In a statement issued on [date], the Nigerian Army described the allegations as "baseless" and "misleading", and accused AI of "selective amnesia" in its reporting.

The statement noted that the Nigerian Army has been working tirelessly to protect the country from the threat of terrorism and insurgency, and that its operations have been guided by international human rights laws and principles.

"We are surprised that Amnesty International, an organization that claims to promote human rights, would make such baseless allegations against the Nigerian Army," the statement said. "We have always been committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and respect for human rights in our operations."

The Nigerian Army also pointed out that AI's allegations were not supported by credible evidence, and that the organization had failed to provide any concrete evidence to back up its claims.

"We urge Amnesty International to be more balanced and objective in its reporting, and to avoid making unfounded allegations that can undermine the efforts of the Nigerian Army to protect the country and its people," the statement concluded.


Amnesty International had earlier accused the Nigerian Army of committing human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings in the country, particularly in the north-east region where the military has been battling Boko Haram insurgents.

The organization had released a report alleging that the Nigerian Army had killed hundreds of civilians and committed other human rights abuses in the course of its operations against the insurgents.

However, the Nigerian Army has consistently denied these allegations, and has accused AI of being biased and selective in its reporting.


The Nigerian Army's statement has been met with mixed reactions from human rights groups and other stakeholders.

Some have welcomed the Army's response, saying that it is a step in the right direction towards promoting transparency and accountability in the military's operations.

Others have criticized the Army's response, saying that it is an attempt to cover up the truth and avoid accountability for human rights abuses.

The controversy has highlighted the need for greater transparency and accountability in the military's operations, and for human rights organizations to be more balanced and objective in their reporting.