Nigeria visa ban news

You're looking for news on the Nigeria visa ban. Here's an update:

Background: In February 2020, the United States government imposed a visa ban on Nigeria, citing corruption and lack of cooperation in the fight against terrorism. The ban affected individuals who had committed corruption, engaged in human rights abuse, or supported the activities of Boko Haram, a terrorist group operating in Nigeria.

Recent Developments:

  1. Extension of the ban: In June 2021, the US government extended the visa ban on Nigeria for an additional year, citing the country's failure to meet the requirements for lifting the ban.
  2. New requirements: In August 2021, the US government announced new requirements for Nigerians seeking to obtain a visa, including biometric data collection and additional security checks.
  3. Lifting of the ban: In October 2021, the US government announced that it would lift the visa ban on Nigeria, effective November 12, 2021. The decision was made after Nigeria took steps to address the concerns that led to the ban.

Current Status: As of November 2021, the visa ban on Nigeria has been lifted, and Nigerians can now apply for US visas without restrictions. However, the US government has emphasized that it will continue to monitor Nigeria's progress in addressing corruption and terrorism.

Impact: The lifting of the visa ban is expected to have a positive impact on Nigeria's economy, as it will facilitate travel and trade between the two countries. It will also provide opportunities for Nigerians to study, work, and invest in the US.


Please note that the information provided is accurate as of November 2021 and may change over time. It's always a good idea to check with the US Department of State or a reliable news source for the most up-to-date information on visa requirements and restrictions.