Nigeria suspends visa on arrival policy

According to recent reports, the Nigerian government has suspended its visa-on-arrival policy for international travelers. This decision was made due to concerns over the country's immigration and border control processes.

Prior to the suspension, Nigeria's visa-on-arrival policy allowed citizens of eligible countries to obtain a visa upon arrival at one of the country's international airports, rather than having to apply for a visa in advance. This policy was intended to promote tourism, trade, and economic development in Nigeria.

However, the government has cited concerns over the potential for abuse and security risks associated with the policy. In a statement, the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) explained that the suspension was necessary to ensure the country's borders are secure and to prevent the entry of unwanted individuals.

The suspension is effective immediately, and all international travelers to Nigeria will now be required to obtain a visa in advance from a Nigerian embassy or consulate before traveling to the country.

It's worth noting that this decision may have implications for international travelers, particularly those who were planning to visit Nigeria for business, tourism, or other purposes. Travelers may need to adjust their plans or apply for a visa in advance to ensure they can enter the country.

Would you like to know more about the visa requirements for Nigeria or any other travel-related information?