Nigeria police news salary

Here are some updates on the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) salary:

Current Salary Structure:

As of 2022, the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) salary structure is as follows:

Salary Increase:

In 2020, the Nigerian government approved a 10% salary increase for the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) personnel. This increase was aimed at improving the welfare of police officers and boosting their morale.

Rank and Salary:

Here is a breakdown of the ranks and salaries in the Nigeria Police Force (NPF):

  1. Constable: N30,000 - N40,000 per month
  2. Corporal: N40,000 - N60,000 per month
  3. Sergeant: N60,000 - N80,000 per month
  4. Inspector: N80,000 - N100,000 per month
  5. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP): N100,000 - N120,000 per month
  6. Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP): N120,000 - N140,000 per month
  7. Superintendent of Police (SP): N140,000 - N160,000 per month
  8. Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP): N160,000 - N180,000 per month
  9. Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP): N180,000 - N200,000 per month
  10. Commissioner of Police (CP): N200,000 - N250,000 per month
  11. Deputy Inspector-General of Police (DIG): N250,000 - N300,000 per month
  12. Inspector-General of Police (IGP): N300,000 - N400,000 per month

Note: These figures are subject to change and may not reflect the current salary structure. Additionally, salaries may vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and other benefits.