Nigeria police force promotion news

Here are some recent news updates on Nigeria Police Force (NPF) promotions:

Latest Promotions:

  1. Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Promotes 12,000 Police Officers: In October 2022, the Inspector-General of Police, Usman Baba Alkali, promoted 12,000 police officers to various ranks, including 6,000 to the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) and 6,000 to the rank of Inspector. [Source: Vanguard News]
  2. Promotion of 10,000 Police Officers: In August 2022, the Nigeria Police Force promoted 10,000 police officers to various ranks, including 5,000 to the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) and 5,000 to the rank of Inspector. [Source: The Nation]

Promotion Criteria:

  1. Seniority: The Nigeria Police Force promotes officers based on seniority, with the most senior officers being promoted first.
  2. Merit: Officers who have demonstrated exceptional performance and dedication to duty are also considered for promotion.
  3. Vacancies: The NPF also promotes officers to fill vacancies created by retirements, resignations, or other forms of exit.

Promotion Ranks:

  1. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP): This is a senior rank in the Nigeria Police Force, equivalent to a Lieutenant in the Nigerian Army.
  2. Inspector: This is a mid-level rank in the NPF, equivalent to a Lieutenant in the Nigerian Army.
  3. Sergeant: This is a junior rank in the NPF, equivalent to a Corporal in the Nigerian Army.
  4. Corporal: This is a junior rank in the NPF, equivalent to a Lance Corporal in the Nigerian Army.


  1. Corruption: Corruption is a major challenge in the Nigeria Police Force, and it can affect the promotion process.
  2. Inadequate Funding: The NPF often faces funding challenges, which can limit its ability to promote officers.
  3. Inefficient System: The promotion system in the NPF has been criticized for being inefficient and biased.


  1. Transparency: The promotion process should be transparent and merit-based.
  2. Fairness: The NPF should ensure that promotions are fair and unbiased.
  3. Capacity Building: The NPF should invest in capacity building programs to enhance the skills and competencies of its officers.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!