Nigeria others to spend over 811 billion on oil gas fields

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or report about Nigeria's plans to spend a significant amount on oil and gas fields. Here's a summary of the article:

Headline: Nigeria to spend over $811 billion on oil and gas fields

Summary: The Nigerian government has announced plans to invest over $811 billion (approximately N305 trillion) in the development of its oil and gas fields over the next five years. The investment is aimed at increasing the country's oil production capacity, improving the efficiency of its refineries, and enhancing the overall performance of the energy sector.

Key highlights:

  1. Increased oil production: The investment is expected to increase Nigeria's oil production capacity from 1.9 million barrels per day (mb/d) to 3.2 mb/d by 2025.
  2. Refinery upgrade: The government plans to upgrade its refineries to increase their capacity and efficiency, reducing the country's reliance on imported refined petroleum products.
  3. Gas development: The investment will also focus on the development of Nigeria's gas resources, with plans to increase gas production from 2.2 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) to 4.5 bcfd by 2025.
  4. Job creation: The project is expected to create thousands of jobs in the energy sector, both directly and indirectly.
  5. Economic growth: The investment is expected to contribute significantly to Nigeria's economic growth, with estimates suggesting that it could increase the country's GDP by up to 2.5%.


  1. Funding: The government will need to secure significant funding for the project, which could be challenging given the country's current economic situation.
  2. Security: The Niger Delta region, where most of Nigeria's oil and gas fields are located, has faced security challenges in the past, which could impact the project's success.
  3. Environmental concerns: The project may also face environmental concerns, particularly with regards to gas flaring and oil spills.

Overall, the investment in Nigeria's oil and gas fields has the potential to boost the country's economy and energy sector, but it will require careful planning, execution, and management to overcome the challenges that lie ahead.