Nigeria offers 335 foreigners certificate of citizenship #

I think there may be some misinformation here.

It's highly unlikely that Nigeria has offered 335 foreigners certificates of citizenship. In fact, Nigeria has strict laws and regulations governing the acquisition of citizenship, and it's not common for foreigners to be granted citizenship easily.

According to the Nigerian Citizenship Act, a person can acquire Nigerian citizenship through:

  1. Jus sanguinis (right of blood): By being born to a Nigerian parent.
  2. Jus soli (right of soil): By being born in Nigeria to parents who are not Nigerian citizens.
  3. Naturalization: By applying for and being granted citizenship through a process that involves meeting certain eligibility criteria, such as residency, good character, and renunciation of previous citizenship.

The process of naturalization in Nigeria is rigorous and involves several steps, including:

  1. Meeting the eligibility criteria
  2. Submitting an application
  3. Passing a background check
  4. Passing a language proficiency test
  5. Passing a citizenship test
  6. Taking an oath of allegiance

It's possible that you may have come across a misleading or outdated report or article about Nigeria granting citizenship to foreigners. I would recommend verifying the information through reputable sources, such as the Nigerian government's official website or news outlets.