Nigeria new currency deadline

You're referring to the deadline for the introduction of the new Nigerian currency, the eNaira!

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) had initially set a deadline of October 1, 2021, for the launch of the eNaira, a digital version of the Nigerian naira. However, the launch was delayed due to some technical issues and regulatory hurdles.

On October 25, 2021, the CBN finally launched the eNaira, with a phased rollout plan. The first phase, which began on October 25, 2021, allowed for the use of the eNaira for transactions between individuals and merchants. The second phase, which is expected to begin soon, will enable the use of the eNaira for transactions between individuals and banks.

As for the deadline for the phasing out of the old naira notes, the CBN has not set a specific date. However, it has announced that the old notes will be gradually phased out and replaced with the new eNaira over time.

It's worth noting that the CBN has also introduced a policy to limit the amount of cash that individuals and businesses can withdraw from ATMs and banks, in an effort to encourage the use of digital payments and reduce the use of cash.