Nigeria mulls new crude oil market with further price cuts nnpc

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article about Nigeria's plans to create a new crude oil market with further price cuts. Here's a summary of the article:

Title: Nigeria Mulls New Crude Oil Market with Further Price Cuts, NNPC

Summary: The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is considering the creation of a new crude oil market with further price cuts to boost sales and revenue. The move is aimed at increasing the country's crude oil production and exports, which have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and other global factors.

Key Points:

  1. New market structure: The NNPC plans to establish a new market structure that will allow for the sale of crude oil at a lower price, making it more attractive to buyers.
  2. Price cuts: The corporation is considering further price cuts to stimulate demand and increase sales. The current price of Nigerian crude oil is around $40 per barrel, which is lower than the global benchmark.
  3. Increased production: The new market structure and price cuts are expected to boost Nigeria's crude oil production and exports, which have been declining due to the pandemic and other factors.
  4. Revenue boost: The move is expected to increase revenue for the Nigerian government, which relies heavily on oil exports to fund its budget.
  5. Competition: The new market structure is expected to increase competition among oil producers, which could lead to further price cuts and increased sales.


  1. Global oil market: The creation of a new crude oil market with further price cuts could have implications for the global oil market, potentially leading to increased competition and price volatility.
  2. Nigerian economy: The move could have a positive impact on the Nigerian economy, increasing revenue and stimulating economic growth.
  3. Oil producers: The new market structure could also affect other oil-producing countries, potentially leading to increased competition and price pressure.

Overall, the creation of a new crude oil market with further price cuts is a strategic move by the NNPC to boost Nigeria's crude oil production and exports, and potentially increase revenue for the government.