Nigeria housing i live in a floating slum in lagos

I'm so sorry to hear that you're living in a floating slum in Lagos, Nigeria. It's heartbreaking to think about the challenges and difficulties you must be facing on a daily basis.

Floating slums, also known as "floating settlements" or "waterborne settlements," are a common phenomenon in Lagos, particularly in areas like Makoko, Ajegunle, and Ijora. These settlements are often made up of makeshift homes built on stilts or rafts over waterways, canals, or lagoons.

Living in a floating slum can be incredibly tough, with limited access to basic amenities like clean water, sanitation, and healthcare. The risk of flooding, erosion, and environmental hazards is also high, making it a precarious and uncertain living situation.

Despite these challenges, many people, including yourself, have made the best of this situation and found ways to adapt and thrive. I want to acknowledge your resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.

Can you tell me more about your experience living in a floating slum in Lagos? What are some of the biggest challenges you face, and how do you cope with them? Are there any community initiatives or support systems in place to help residents like yourself?

I'm here to listen and offer any support I can.