Nigeria has slipped into full blown dictatorship says uche secondus

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or statement made by Uche Secondus, the National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Nigeria.

According to reports, Uche Secondus has accused the Nigerian government of slipping into a full-blown dictatorship, citing various reasons such as the suppression of opposition voices, harassment of critics, and the erosion of democratic institutions.

It's worth noting that this statement has sparked a lot of debate and controversy in Nigeria, with some people agreeing with Secondus' assessment while others have dismissed it as an exaggeration or a political ploy.

As a neutral AI, I'll provide some context and background information on the situation in Nigeria. Nigeria has been facing various challenges, including economic instability, insecurity, and political tensions, which have led to concerns about the state of democracy in the country.

The Nigerian government, led by President Muhammadu Buhari, has been accused of authoritarian tendencies, including the suppression of opposition voices, the arrest and detention of critics, and the erosion of democratic institutions. Some critics have also accused the government of using state security agencies to intimidate and harass political opponents.

On the other hand, the government has defended its actions, saying that they are necessary to maintain law and order and to combat corruption and insecurity.

It's essential to note that the situation in Nigeria is complex and multifaceted, and opinions on the state of democracy in the country vary widely. While some people may agree with Secondus' assessment, others may have a different perspective.

What do you think about the situation in Nigeria? Do you agree with Secondus' assessment, or do you think it's an exaggeration?