Nigeria election breaking news now

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have real-time access to breaking news or specific information about Nigeria's election. But I can provide you with some general information and updates on the election.

Latest Updates:

As of my knowledge cutoff, the 2023 Nigerian presidential election is scheduled to take place on February 25, 2023. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has announced the list of candidates and the election guidelines.

Key Candidates:

  1. Bola Tinubu (All Progressives Congress, APC)
  2. Atiku Abubakar (Peoples Democratic Party, PDP)
  3. Peter Obi (Labour Party, LP)
  4. Rabiu Kwankwaso (New Nigeria Peoples Party, NNPP)

Election Issues:

  1. Security concerns: There are concerns about the security situation in some parts of the country, which may affect the conduct of the election.
  2. Voter registration: There have been issues with voter registration, with some citizens complaining about difficulties in registering or having their names removed from the voters' register.
  3. Campaign violence: There have been reports of violence and intimidation during campaign rallies and events.

International Observers:

The election will be observed by local and international observers, including the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the European Union.

What's Next:

The election is expected to take place on February 25, 2023. After the election, the results will be announced, and the winner will be declared. The new president will be inaugurated on May 29, 2023.

Please note that this information is subject to change, and I recommend checking reputable news sources for the latest updates on the election.

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