Nigeria corruption news

Nigeria has been plagued by corruption for decades, and it remains a significant challenge for the country. Here are some recent news stories and updates on corruption in Nigeria:

Recent Corruption Scandals:

  1. Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Scandal: In 2020, the NNPC was embroiled in a corruption scandal involving the mismanagement of funds and the award of contracts to cronies. The scandal led to the resignation of the corporation's managing director.
  2. Nigerian Customs Service Scandal: In 2020, the Nigerian Customs Service was accused of corruption and mismanagement of funds. The service's comptroller-general was arrested and charged with corruption.
  3. Nigerian Police Force Scandal: In 2020, the Nigerian Police Force was accused of corruption and human rights abuses. The force's inspector-general was arrested and charged with corruption.

Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) Rankings:

Nigeria has consistently ranked low in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) rankings, which measure the perceived level of corruption in a country. In 2020, Nigeria ranked 149th out of 180 countries, with a score of 20 out of 100.

Anti-Corruption Efforts:

  1. Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC): The EFCC is Nigeria's primary anti-corruption agency. It has been involved in several high-profile corruption cases and has recovered billions of naira in stolen funds.
  2. Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC): The ICPC is another anti-corruption agency in Nigeria. It has been involved in several corruption cases and has recovered millions of naira in stolen funds.
  3. Whistleblower Policy: In 2020, the Nigerian government introduced a whistleblower policy to encourage citizens to report corruption cases. The policy has led to several high-profile corruption cases being uncovered.

Corruption in Specific Sectors:

  1. Healthcare: Corruption is rampant in Nigeria's healthcare sector, with healthcare workers and officials embezzling funds meant for healthcare services.
  2. Education: Corruption is also prevalent in Nigeria's education sector, with officials embezzling funds meant for education and students being forced to pay bribes to access education services.
  3. Infrastructure: Corruption is a major obstacle to the development of Nigeria's infrastructure, with officials embezzling funds meant for infrastructure projects and contractors awarding contracts to cronies.

International Pressure:

  1. United States: The United States has been critical of Nigeria's corruption record and has imposed sanctions on several Nigerian officials accused of corruption.
  2. European Union: The European Union has also been critical of Nigeria's corruption record and has called for greater efforts to combat corruption in the country.


Corruption remains a significant challenge for Nigeria, and it is essential for the country to address this issue to achieve sustainable development. The government and anti-corruption agencies must work together to combat corruption and ensure that those found guilty of corruption are held accountable.