Nigeria clears cameroon in bakassi deaths says citizens drowned #

It appears that you're referring to a news article or report about a tragic incident involving the deaths of Cameroonians in the Bakassi region, which is a disputed territory between Nigeria and Cameroon.

According to the report, Nigeria has cleared Cameroon of any responsibility in the deaths of the Cameroonians, stating that they drowned. This suggests that the Nigerian government believes that the deaths were accidental and not the result of any intentional action by Cameroon.

It's worth noting that the Bakassi region has been a source of tension between Nigeria and Cameroon for many years, with both countries claiming sovereignty over the area. The region was previously part of Nigeria but was ceded to Cameroon in 2002 following a ruling by the International Court of Justice.

The incident you're referring to may have been a tragic accident that occurred during a crossing or other activity in the region, and it's unfortunate that lives were lost. However, it's important to approach the situation with sensitivity and respect for the affected families and communities.

Can you provide more context or information about the incident, such as the exact location, date, and circumstances surrounding the deaths? This may help me provide a more detailed and accurate response.