Nigeria breaking news tow

Here are the top 2 breaking news stories from Nigeria:

1. Nigerian Government Announces New Measures to Combat Insecurity

The Nigerian government has announced new measures to combat the growing insecurity in the country. The measures include the deployment of additional troops to troubled areas, the establishment of a new counter-terrorism agency, and the introduction of a national identity card system to track and monitor individuals. The government has also promised to increase the budget for security and law enforcement agencies to enhance their capabilities.

2. Nigerian Economy Grows by 2.3% in Q1 2023

The Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has announced that the country's economy grew by 2.3% in the first quarter of 2023. The growth was driven by the non-oil sector, which expanded by 3.5%, while the oil sector contracted by 1.5%. The NBS attributed the growth to improved agricultural production, increased manufacturing output, and a rebound in the services sector. The growth rate is seen as a positive sign for the country's economy, which has been struggling with low growth and high inflation in recent years.

Please note that these are just two examples of breaking news stories from Nigeria, and there may be other important news stories that are not included here.