Nigeria bobsledders welcomed home ahead winter olympics #

A great moment for Nigerian sports!

On February 21, 2018, the Nigerian bobsled team, comprising Ngozi Onwumere, Seun Adigun, and Akuoma Omeoga, returned to Nigeria after competing in the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. They were welcomed back with fanfare and celebrations across the country.

The team's participation in the Winter Olympics was a historic first for Nigeria, as it marked the country's debut in the winter sports event. Despite not winning any medals, the team's presence and performance were seen as a significant achievement and a source of national pride.

The team's return was marked by a grand welcome ceremony at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos, where they were received by government officials, sports dignitaries, and enthusiastic fans. The ceremony featured traditional music, dance, and cultural performances, as well as speeches and presentations honoring the team's achievement.

The Nigerian bobsled team's participation in the Winter Olympics was made possible through a crowdfunding campaign and the support of the Nigerian Olympic Committee, the International Olympic Committee, and other organizations. Their story inspired many Nigerians and served as a symbol of the country's growing interest in winter sports and its commitment to developing its athletes.

The team's return home was a celebration of their hard work, determination, and courage, and it marked a significant milestone in Nigerian sports history.