Nigeria biafra news now

I'm happy to provide you with the latest news on Nigeria and Biafra. However, please note that the situation in Nigeria, particularly with regards to the Biafra movement, can be complex and sensitive. I'll do my best to provide you with accurate and unbiased information.

Latest News:

  1. Nigerian Government and IPOB Talks: The Nigerian government and the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) have been engaged in talks aimed at resolving the crisis in the southeast region. The talks, which began in 2020, have been ongoing but have not yet yielded a breakthrough.
  2. Biafra Day Celebrations: The Biafra Day celebrations, which mark the anniversary of the declaration of the Republic of Biafra in 1967, were marked by protests and rallies across the southeast region. The celebrations were largely peaceful, but there were reports of clashes between security forces and protesters in some areas.
  3. Nigerian Military Operations: The Nigerian military has been conducting operations in the southeast region, aimed at curbing the activities of IPOB and other separatist groups. The operations have led to the arrest of several individuals and the destruction of property.
  4. International Community's Position: The international community, including the United States, the European Union, and the African Union, has called for restraint and dialogue to resolve the crisis in Nigeria. The international community has also expressed concerns over human rights abuses and the use of force by security forces.

Recent Developments:

  1. IPOB Leader's Arrest: The leader of IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, was arrested in 2015 and has been in detention since then. His arrest has been a major point of contention between the Nigerian government and IPOB.
  2. Biafra Flag Hoisting: In recent months, there have been reports of the Biafra flag being hoisted in some parts of the southeast region, leading to tensions between the Nigerian government and IPOB.
  3. Nigerian Government's Response: The Nigerian government has responded to the Biafra movement by deploying security forces to the southeast region and launching a campaign to discredit IPOB and its leader, Nnamdi Kanu.

Key Players:

  1. Nnamdi Kanu: The leader of IPOB, who has been in detention since 2015.
  2. Muhammadu Buhari: The President of Nigeria, who has been accused of being anti-Biafran.
  3. IPOB: The Indigenous People of Biafra, a separatist group that is seeking independence for the southeast region of Nigeria.
  4. Nigerian Military: The Nigerian military has been involved in operations aimed at curbing the activities of IPOB and other separatist groups.


  1. Violence and Intimidation: The Biafra movement has been marked by violence and intimidation, with both sides accusing each other of human rights abuses.
  2. Economic Impact: The crisis has had a significant economic impact on the southeast region, with many businesses and industries affected.
  3. Political Tensions: The crisis has also led to political tensions, with many Nigerians divided on the issue of Biafra.

I hope this information helps you stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in Nigeria and Biafra.