Niger news app

Here are some popular news apps in Niger:

  1. Niger News (Android, iOS): This app provides news from various sources in Niger, including government agencies, newspapers, and online news sites.
  2. Sahel Times (Android, iOS): This app offers news and analysis on politics, economy, sports, and culture in Niger and the Sahel region.
  3. Nigerien News (Android): This app provides news in French and Hausa, two of the most widely spoken languages in Niger.
  4. Aurélien News (Android, iOS): This app offers news and analysis on politics, economy, and society in Niger, with a focus on the capital city Niamey.
  5. Niger News Network (Android, iOS): This app aggregates news from various sources in Niger, including government agencies, newspapers, and online news sites.
  6. Le Sahel (Android, iOS): This app offers news and analysis on politics, economy, and society in Niger and the Sahel region, with a focus on the French language.
  7. Nigerien Online (Android, iOS): This app provides news and information on various topics, including politics, economy, sports, and culture, in French and Hausa.
  8. Ténéré News (Android, iOS): This app offers news and analysis on politics, economy, and society in Niger, with a focus on the northern region of the country.
  9. Niger News Today (Android, iOS): This app provides news and information on various topics, including politics, economy, sports, and culture, in French and Hausa.
  10. Sahara News (Android, iOS): This app offers news and analysis on politics, economy, and society in Niger and the Sahara region, with a focus on the French language.

Please note that the availability and quality of these apps may vary depending on your location and the device you are using.