Niger delta youths others laud senates decision on nddc board

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Niger Delta Youths, Others Laud Senate's Decision on NDDC Board

The decision by the Senate to reject the nomination of the Interim Management Committee (IMC) of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) has been widely applauded by Niger Delta youths and other stakeholders.

The Senate had on Tuesday rejected the nomination of the IMC, citing lack of transparency and accountability in the commission's operations. The decision was seen as a major victory for the people of the Niger Delta region, who have been demanding for a more transparent and accountable management of the commission.

The Niger Delta Youth Council (NDYC) described the Senate's decision as a "welcome development" that would bring an end to the "looting" of the commission's resources. The group's President, Princewill Bala, said that the decision would also help to restore the trust and confidence of the people of the Niger Delta region in the commission.

"We are happy that the Senate has taken this bold step to reject the nomination of the IMC. We believe that this decision would bring an end to the looting of our resources and ensure that the commission is managed in a transparent and accountable manner," Bala said.

The Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) also commended the Senate for its decision, saying that it was a major victory for the people of the Niger Delta region. The IYC's President, Peter Igbifa, said that the decision would help to ensure that the commission is managed in a way that benefits the people of the region.

"We are grateful to the Senate for rejecting the nomination of the IMC. We believe that this decision would help to ensure that the commission is managed in a way that benefits the people of the Niger Delta region," Igbifa said.

The decision by the Senate has also been welcomed by other stakeholders in the region, including the Niger Delta People's Forum (NDPF). The NDPF's President, Chief Edwin Clark, said that the decision was a major step towards ensuring that the commission is managed in a transparent and accountable manner.

"We are happy that the Senate has taken this bold step to reject the nomination of the IMC. We believe that this decision would help to ensure that the commission is managed in a way that benefits the people of the Niger Delta region," Clark said.

The decision by the Senate has also been seen as a major victory for the people of the Niger Delta region, who have been demanding for a more transparent and accountable management of the commission. The region has been plagued by corruption and mismanagement of the commission's resources, which has led to a lack of development and poverty in the region.

The Senate's decision is seen as a major step towards ensuring that the commission is managed in a way that benefits the people of the Niger Delta region. The decision is also seen as a major victory for the people of the region, who have been demanding for a more transparent and accountable management of the commission.