Niger delta amnesty payment news today

Here are some recent news updates on the Niger Delta Amnesty Programme payment:

Latest News:


The Niger Delta Amnesty Programme was established in 2009 by the Federal Government to address the militancy and violence in the Niger Delta region. The programme aimed to provide a peaceful and sustainable solution to the crisis by providing training and economic empowerment to ex-militants.

Payment Issues:

Despite the programme's success in reducing violence in the region, payment issues have been a recurring challenge. Many ex-militants have complained of delayed or non-payment of their allowances, which has led to protests and demonstrations.

Recent Developments:

In recent months, there have been efforts to resolve the payment issues. In October 2022, the Federal Government released N10 billion to pay outstanding allowances to ex-militants. However, many ex-militants have continued to complain of non-payment, leading to renewed protests and calls for action from the government.


The Niger Delta Amnesty Programme has been a crucial initiative in addressing the crisis in the Niger Delta region. While there have been challenges with payment, the programme has helped to reduce violence and promote peace in the region. It is essential that the government continues to address the payment issues to ensure the programme's success and the well-being of the ex-militants.