Niger delta amnesty breaking news

Here are some recent breaking news updates on the Niger Delta Amnesty Programme:

Breaking News:

  1. Amnesty Office Releases N1.5 Billion to Ex-Militants: The Niger Delta Amnesty Office has released N1.5 billion to ex-militants in the region, according to a statement by the office's spokesperson, Murphy Ganagana. The funds are part of the 2019 budget allocation for the programme. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Ex-Militants Protest Non-Payment of Allowances: Ex-militants in the Niger Delta region have protested the non-payment of their allowances, claiming that they have not received their stipends for several months. The protesters, who are former members of the Niger Delta Avengers, marched to the office of the Amnesty Programme in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. (Source: The Nation)
  3. Amnesty Office to Engage Ex-Militants in Agriculture: The Niger Delta Amnesty Office has announced plans to engage ex-militants in agriculture as part of its reintegration programme. The office has partnered with a private company to establish a farm in the region, where ex-militants will be trained and employed. (Source: ThisDay Live)
  4. Ex-Militants Demand Better Conditions: Ex-militants in the Niger Delta region have demanded better conditions of service, including improved allowances and better living conditions. The ex-militants, who are former members of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), made the demands during a meeting with the Amnesty Programme's leadership. (Source: Premium Times)
  5. Amnesty Office to Establish Skills Acquisition Centre: The Niger Delta Amnesty Office has announced plans to establish a skills acquisition centre in the region, where ex-militants will be trained in various skills such as welding, carpentry, and electrical work. The centre is expected to be completed by the end of the year. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)

Recent Developments:

  1. Amnesty Programme's Reintegration Efforts: The Niger Delta Amnesty Office has been working to reintegrate ex-militants into society through various programmes, including education, skills acquisition, and entrepreneurship training.
  2. Security Challenges in the Region: The Niger Delta region has continued to face security challenges, including attacks on oil installations and kidnapping of foreigners. The Nigerian military has been working to address these challenges, but the situation remains volatile.
  3. Economic Challenges: The Niger Delta region has been facing economic challenges, including poverty and unemployment. The Amnesty Programme has been working to address these challenges through various initiatives, including the establishment of businesses and provision of financial support to ex-militants.

Key Players:

  1. Presidential Amnesty Programme: The Presidential Amnesty Programme is a federal government initiative established in 2009 to address the Niger Delta crisis. The programme is responsible for rehabilitating and reintegrating ex-militants into society.
  2. Niger Delta Avengers: The Niger Delta Avengers is a militant group that has been involved in attacks on oil installations in the Niger Delta region. The group has been involved in several high-profile attacks, including the bombing of oil pipelines and facilities.
  3. Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND): MEND is a militant group that has been involved in attacks on oil installations and kidnapping of foreigners in the Niger Delta region. The group has been involved in several high-profile attacks, including the kidnapping of foreign oil workers.


  1. 2009: The Presidential Amnesty Programme is established by the federal government to address the Niger Delta crisis.
  2. 2010: The Niger Delta Avengers is formed as a militant group to fight for the rights of the Niger Delta people.
  3. 2016: The Niger Delta Avengers launches a series of attacks on oil installations in the region, leading to a decline in oil production.
  4. 2017: The federal government launches a military operation to address the security challenges in the region.
  5. 2019: The Niger Delta Amnesty Office releases N1.5 billion to ex-militants in the region.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!