Nigel farage news

Nigel Farage is a British politician who was the leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) from 2006 to 2018. Here are some recent news articles and updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. Brexit Party leadership: In January 2020, Farage announced that he would be stepping down as leader of the Brexit Party, which he founded in 2019. He cited a desire to focus on other projects and to allow a new leader to take the party forward.
  2. By-election losses: In November 2019, the Brexit Party suffered a series of by-election losses, including in the seats of Peterborough and Brecon and Radnorshire. Farage blamed the losses on the party's decision to stand down in Conservative-held seats in the 2019 general election.
  3. EU election results: In May 2019, Farage's Brexit Party won 29 seats in the European Parliament elections, making it the largest party in the UK. However, the party's success was overshadowed by the fact that it failed to win a single seat in the UK's traditional heartlands.
  4. General election: In December 2019, Farage announced that the Brexit Party would not stand in the 2019 general election, in order to allow the Conservative Party to focus on defeating the Labour Party. However, the party's decision was widely criticized, and Farage was accused of being a "spoiler" who was helping to keep the Conservative Party in power.

Recent Quotes:

  1. On the Brexit Party's by-election losses: "We've had a tough few weeks, but we're not going to let it get us down. We're going to keep fighting for Brexit and for the people of this country."
  2. On the EU's handling of Brexit: "The EU has been completely inflexible and unwilling to listen to the will of the British people. It's time for us to take back control and make our own decisions."
  3. On the Conservative Party: "The Conservative Party has been a disaster for this country. They've failed to deliver Brexit and have instead prioritized their own interests."

Recent Interviews:

  1. BBC News: Farage was interviewed by the BBC's Andrew Neil in November 2019, where he discussed the Brexit Party's by-election losses and his plans for the future.
  2. Sky News: Farage was interviewed by Sky News in May 2019, where he discussed the Brexit Party's success in the European Parliament elections and his plans for the party's future.
  3. The Telegraph: Farage was interviewed by The Telegraph in December 2019, where he discussed the Brexit Party's decision not to stand in the general election and his views on the Conservative Party.