Nigcomsat news

Here are some recent news updates about NigComSat:

Latest News

  1. NigComSat-1R Launch: On December 19, 2011, Nigeria launched its second communication satellite, NigComSat-1R, into orbit from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The satellite was built by China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) and is designed to provide telecommunications services to Nigeria and other countries in the region.
  2. NigComSat-1R In-Orbit Testing: In January 2012, NigComSat-1R began its in-orbit testing phase, which included a series of tests to ensure the satellite's systems were functioning properly. The testing process was completed in March 2012.
  3. NigComSat-1R Commercial Launch: In June 2012, NigComSat-1R was officially launched into commercial service, providing a range of telecommunications services including television broadcasting, internet connectivity, and mobile phone services.
  4. NigComSat-1R Capacity Expansion: In October 2013, NigComSat-1R underwent a capacity expansion, increasing its bandwidth by 50% to meet growing demand for telecommunications services in Nigeria and the region.
  5. NigComSat-1R Maintenance: In August 2019, NigComSat-1R underwent a routine maintenance exercise to ensure the satellite's continued operation and to upgrade its systems to improve its performance.

Upcoming Projects

  1. NigComSat-3: Nigeria is planning to launch its third communication satellite, NigComSat-3, in the near future. The satellite is expected to provide additional capacity and services to support the country's growing telecommunications needs.
  2. NigComSat-4: There are also plans to launch NigComSat-4, which will be a more advanced satellite with increased capacity and capabilities.


  1. Funding: NigComSat has faced funding challenges in the past, which have impacted its ability to launch new satellites and expand its services.
  2. Competition: The telecommunications market in Nigeria is highly competitive, with several operators offering similar services. This competition can make it challenging for NigComSat to attract and retain customers.
  3. Technical Issues: NigComSat has experienced technical issues in the past, including a failure of its first satellite, NigComSat-1, in 2008. These issues can impact the reliability and quality of its services.

I hope this information is helpful!