Nice message to a new friend

Here are some nice message ideas to send to a new friend:

  1. Simple and friendly: "Hey, it was great meeting you! Hope you're doing well."
  2. Show appreciation: "Thanks for being such a great friend so far. I'm really enjoying getting to know you!"
  3. Common interest: "I loved talking to you about [shared interest]. Can't wait to do it again soon!"
  4. Lighthearted joke: "Just wanted to say hi and make you laugh. Hope your day is going well!"
  5. Personalized: "I loved hearing about your [hobby/interest]. You're so passionate about it, it's inspiring!"
  6. Supportive: "I'm really glad we're friends. You're an amazing person and I'm lucky to have you in my life."
  7. Fun fact: "Did you know [fun fact]? I just learned it and thought of you!"
  8. Looking forward: "Can't wait to catch up with you again soon. We always have so much fun together!"
  9. Words of encouragement: "You're doing a great job [at something]. Keep up the good work!"
  10. Just because: "Hey, just wanted to say hi and let you know you're on my mind. Hope you're having a great day!"

Remember, the key is to be genuine and sincere in your message. Choose a message that feels natural and reflects your friendship.