Nice guy ben foster shows winning comes in different guises

I think you're referring to Ben Foster, the English professional footballer who has played for several clubs, including Manchester United, Birmingham City, and Stoke City.

Ben Foster is indeed known for his nice guy persona, and he's often praised for his humility and down-to-earth nature. Despite being a talented goalkeeper, he's never been one to seek the spotlight or boast about his achievements.

As for your second point, you're right that winning can come in different guises. Ben Foster has had a successful career, winning several honors including the Premier League, the FA Cup, and the League Cup. However, he's also had his share of setbacks and disappointments, including being relegated with Birmingham City in 2011.

Foster's approach to the game is often described as humble and hardworking. He's known for his dedication to training and his ability to perform under pressure. Despite not being the most flashy or charismatic player, he's earned the respect of his teammates and opponents alike for his professionalism and sportsmanship.

In an interview with The Guardian, Foster once said, "I'm not a flashy player, I'm not going to win the Ballon d'Or. But I'm a good goalkeeper, and I'm proud of that." This quote sums up his approach to the game, which is all about doing his job to the best of his ability and being proud of his achievements, rather than seeking individual glory or recognition.

Overall, Ben Foster is a great example of a player who has achieved success through hard work and dedication, and who remains humble and grounded despite his accomplishments.