Nhia introduces instant healthcare for persons aged 70 years and above

NHIA Introduces Instant Healthcare for Persons Aged 70 Years and Above

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) has launched an innovative healthcare initiative aimed at providing instant medical care to persons aged 70 years and above. This new program, dubbed "Silver Care," is designed to cater to the unique healthcare needs of Ghana's elderly population.

Key Features of Silver Care

  1. Instant Access: With Silver Care, seniors can access healthcare services without the need for prior registration or appointment. This ensures that they receive timely medical attention, reducing the risk of complications and improving health outcomes.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: The program covers a wide range of healthcare services, including consultations, laboratory tests, medications, and hospital admissions. This comprehensive coverage ensures that seniors receive the care they need to manage chronic conditions and maintain their overall health.
  3. Priority Services: Silver Care prioritizes the healthcare needs of seniors, ensuring that they receive prompt attention and care. This includes priority access to emergency services, hospital beds, and specialist consultations.
  4. Convenient Services: The program offers convenient healthcare services, including home visits, telemedicine consultations, and mobile health clinics. This makes it easier for seniors to access healthcare services, especially those with mobility issues.
  5. Personalized Care: Silver Care provides personalized care to each senior, taking into account their unique health needs, medical history, and lifestyle. This ensures that they receive tailored healthcare services that meet their specific requirements.

Benefits of Silver Care

  1. Improved Health Outcomes: Silver Care ensures that seniors receive timely and effective healthcare, leading to improved health outcomes and reduced morbidity.
  2. Increased Accessibility: The program increases access to healthcare services for seniors, reducing barriers to care and improving their overall well-being.
  3. Enhanced Quality of Life: Silver Care enables seniors to maintain their independence, dignity, and quality of life, allowing them to continue living in their communities.
  4. Reduced Healthcare Costs: The program helps reduce healthcare costs by providing early intervention and prevention services, reducing the need for costly hospitalizations and emergency services.

Implementation Plan

The NHIA will implement Silver Care in phases, starting with the Greater Accra Region. The program will be rolled out to other regions in the coming months.


The introduction of Silver Care is a significant step towards improving the healthcare of Ghana's elderly population. The program's focus on instant access, comprehensive coverage, priority services, convenient services, and personalized care will help ensure that seniors receive the healthcare they need to live healthy, active, and fulfilling lives.