Ngige news

You're looking for news about Chris Ngige, the Nigerian Minister of Labour and Employment. Here are some recent updates:

Latest News

  1. Minimum Wage Increase: The Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige, has announced that the Federal Government will increase the minimum wage from N18,000 to N30,000 per month. This decision was made after a meeting with the National Council of State. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Labour Unrest: Ngige has been involved in a series of negotiations with labour unions to resolve the ongoing industrial action by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU). The strike, which began in November 2020, has affected the academic calendar of Nigerian universities. (Source: Premium Times)
  3. Pension Reform: The Minister has been working to reform the pension system in Nigeria, with a focus on increasing the retirement age and introducing a contributory pension scheme. (Source: This Day Live)

Recent Quotes

  1. "We are committed to ensuring that the minimum wage is increased to a level that is commensurate with the current economic realities in the country." - Chris Ngige (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. "The Federal Government is willing to listen to the concerns of ASUU and find a solution to the ongoing strike." - Chris Ngige (Source: Premium Times)


Chris Ngige is a Nigerian politician and medical doctor who was born on June 3, 1952. He was first elected as the Governor of Anambra State in 2003 and served two terms until 2014. He was subsequently appointed as the Minister of Labour and Employment by President Muhammadu Buhari in 2015.