Newsnow nigeria com

NewsNow Nigeria is a popular online news aggregator that provides up-to-date news from various sources across Nigeria. Here are some of the key features and benefits of NewsNow Nigeria:


  1. Multiple news sources: NewsNow Nigeria aggregates news from over 100 sources, including major newspapers, online news sites, and news agencies.
  2. Real-time updates: The website provides real-time updates on news stories, ensuring that users stay informed about the latest developments.
  3. Categorization: News stories are categorized by topic, making it easy for users to find news related to their interests.
  4. Search function: Users can search for specific news stories or keywords using the website's search function.
  5. Breaking news alerts: NewsNow Nigeria offers breaking news alerts via email or SMS, keeping users informed about major news developments.


  1. Convenience: NewsNow Nigeria provides a one-stop-shop for news from across Nigeria, saving users time and effort.
  2. Comprehensive coverage: The website offers comprehensive coverage of news from various sources, ensuring that users stay informed about all aspects of Nigerian news.
  3. Up-to-date information: NewsNow Nigeria provides real-time updates, ensuring that users have access to the latest information on news stories.
  4. Customization: Users can customize their news feed by selecting specific categories or sources, allowing them to focus on the news that matters most to them.

Popular sections:

  1. Politics: NewsNow Nigeria provides in-depth coverage of Nigerian politics, including news on government policies, elections, and political scandals.
  2. Business: The website offers news on Nigerian business, including updates on the economy, finance, and entrepreneurship.
  3. Sports: NewsNow Nigeria provides coverage of Nigerian sports, including news on football, basketball, and other popular sports.
  4. Entertainment: The website offers news on Nigerian entertainment, including updates on music, movies, and celebrity news.

Overall, NewsNow Nigeria is a valuable resource for anyone looking to stay informed about news from Nigeria.