News zimbabwe latest news

Here are the latest news from Zimbabwe:

Top Stories

  1. Economic Crisis Deepens: Zimbabwe's economic crisis has worsened, with the country experiencing a severe shortage of foreign currency, leading to a surge in prices of basic commodities. (Source: The Herald)
  2. Mnangagwa's Government Under Fire: The opposition MDC Alliance has accused President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government of failing to address the country's economic woes, and has called for his resignation. (Source: NewsDay)
  3. Zimbabwe's Power Crisis Worsens: The country is facing a severe power crisis, with the national power utility, ZESA, warning of load shedding for up to 18 hours a day. (Source: The Standard)
  4. Farmers Struggle to Access Inputs: Zimbabwean farmers are struggling to access essential inputs such as fertilizers and seeds, due to a shortage of foreign currency. (Source: The Farmer's Weekly)
  5. Zimbabwe's Tourism Sector in Crisis: The country's tourism sector is in crisis, with many hotels and lodges struggling to stay afloat due to a lack of foreign currency. (Source: The Zimbabwe Independent)


  1. Mnangagwa's Party Splits: President Mnangagwa's party, ZANU-PF, is facing a split, with some members defecting to the opposition MDC Alliance. (Source: The Herald)
  2. Opposition Parties Unite: The opposition MDC Alliance and other opposition parties have united to challenge President Mnangagwa's government in the 2023 elections. (Source: NewsDay)
  3. Zimbabwe's Electoral Commission Under Fire: The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has been accused of bias and incompetence, with opposition parties calling for its dissolution. (Source: The Standard)


  1. Economic Growth Slows: Zimbabwe's economic growth has slowed down, with the country's economy expected to grow by only 2.5% in 2023. (Source: The Zimbabwe Independent)
  2. Inflation Soars: Inflation in Zimbabwe has soared to over 100%, making it one of the highest in the world. (Source: The Herald)
  3. Foreign Investment Dries Up: Foreign investment in Zimbabwe has dried up, due to the country's economic crisis and political instability. (Source: The Standard)


  1. Zimbabwe's Cricket Team in Crisis: Zimbabwe's cricket team is in crisis, with the country's cricket board facing allegations of corruption and mismanagement. (Source: The Herald)
  2. Zimbabwe's Football Team Struggles: Zimbabwe's football team is struggling, with the country's national team failing to qualify for the African Cup of Nations. (Source: The Standard)


  1. Cholera Outbreak: A cholera outbreak has been reported in Zimbabwe, with several people dying from the disease. (Source: The Herald)
  2. HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Zimbabwe is struggling to contain its HIV/AIDS epidemic, with the country having one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world. (Source: The Standard)

These are just some of the latest news from Zimbabwe.