News values in journalism pdf

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News Values in Journalism


News values are the principles that guide journalists in deciding what news to cover, how to cover it, and what to emphasize. These values are essential in determining the content of news stories and the way they are presented to the public. In this PDF, we will explore the key news values in journalism and their significance in shaping the news we consume.

The Five Ws

The Five Ws are the fundamental questions that journalists ask when reporting a story:

  1. Who: Who is involved in the story?
  2. What: What happened?
  3. When: When did it happen?
  4. Where: Where did it happen?
  5. Why: Why did it happen?

These questions help journalists to gather the essential facts of a story and to provide context and background information.

News Values

  1. Relevance: Is the story relevant to the audience?
  2. Proximity: Is the story happening close to home?
  3. Human interest: Is the story about people and their experiences?
  4. Impact: Will the story have a significant impact on the audience?
  5. Uniqueness: Is the story unusual or unexpected?
  6. Conflict: Is there a conflict or controversy involved?
  7. Timeliness: Is the story timely and relevant to current events?
  8. Prominence: Is the story about a prominent person or organization?
  9. Novelty: Is the story new and unexpected?
  10. Sensationalism: Is the story sensational or attention-grabbing?

The Hierarchy of News Values

Journalists often prioritize certain news values over others. The hierarchy of news values is as follows:

  1. Relevance: Is the story relevant to the audience?
  2. Impact: Will the story have a significant impact on the audience?
  3. Proximity: Is the story happening close to home?
  4. Human interest: Is the story about people and their experiences?
  5. Conflict: Is there a conflict or controversy involved?
  6. Timeliness: Is the story timely and relevant to current events?
  7. Prominence: Is the story about a prominent person or organization?
  8. Novelty: Is the story new and unexpected?
  9. Sensationalism: Is the story sensational or attention-grabbing?


News values are essential in journalism as they guide journalists in deciding what news to cover and how to cover it. By understanding the Five Ws and the hierarchy of news values, journalists can provide accurate and relevant information to the public.