News template

Here is a basic news template that you can use as a starting point:


[Insert attention-grabbing headline that summarizes the main point of the article]


[Insert brief summary of the article that provides more context]


[Insert date of publication]


[Insert name of author or journalist]

Article Body


[Main Points]

[Quotes or Interviews]

[Additional Information]


Call to Action

Related Links

Social Media Links

Contact Information

Here is an example of what the template might look like with some sample content:


Local Business Owners Protest New Tax Law


Small business owners in the area are speaking out against a new tax law that they say will hurt their bottom line.


March 10, 2023


Emily Johnson

Article Body


The new tax law, which went into effect on January 1, 2023, is designed to raise revenue for the city by increasing taxes on small businesses. However, many local business owners are speaking out against the law, saying it will hurt their ability to operate and create jobs.

[Main Points]

[Quotes or Interviews]

"I'm not sure how we're going to make ends meet with this new tax law," said Sarah Johnson, owner of Johnson's Bakery. "We're already struggling to stay afloat, and this is just going to make it even harder."

[Additional Information]

According to the city's finance department, the new tax law is expected to raise an additional $1 million in revenue each year.


The new tax law is a major concern for many local business owners, who are worried about its impact on their bottom line. The city is urging business owners to come forward and share their concerns, and is promising to work with them to find a solution.

Call to Action

If you're a local business owner who is affected by the new tax law, we want to hear from you. Share your story and let us know how you're coping with the changes.

Related Links

Social Media Links

Contact Information

Email: [email protected] Phone: 555-555-5555 Physical Address: 123 Main St, Anytown, USA