News teleprompter

Here's a sample news teleprompter script:


[ Anchor's name ] here, and welcome to our evening news broadcast. Tonight, we're covering the latest developments in [ current event or story ]. Our top story tonight is [ brief summary of top story ].


[ Anchor reads from teleprompter ]

According to sources, [ brief summary of top story ]. The [ organization/individual ] has announced [ significant development or decision ]. This comes after [ background information or context ]. We'll have more on this story as it develops.


[ Anchor introduces segment ]

Now, let's turn to [ segment topic ]. Our [ reporter's name ] is live in [ location ] with the latest. [ Reporter's name ], can you tell us more about what's happening there?

[ Reporter's live shot ]


[ Anchor introduces segment ]

Next, we're taking a closer look at [ segment topic ]. Our [ reporter's name ] has been investigating [ issue or story ]. [ Reporter's name ], what did you find out?

[ Reporter's package or interview ]


[ Anchor introduces segment ]

And finally, we're talking to [ expert or guest ] about [ topic or issue ]. [ Expert/guest's name ], thanks for joining us tonight. Can you tell us more about [ specific question or topic ]?

[ Expert/guest's response ]


[ Anchor wraps up the broadcast ]

That's all for tonight. Thank you for joining us. We'll be back tomorrow with more news and updates. Until then, goodnight.


[ End screen with news logo and tagline ]

This is just a sample script, and you can customize it to fit your specific news broadcast and style. Remember to keep your script concise and easy to read, with clear headings and bullet points to help guide your anchor and reporters.