News structure in journalism

The structure of a news story in journalism typically follows a standard format, which includes:

  1. Lead (also known as the "lede"): The opening sentence or paragraph that grabs the reader's attention and provides a brief summary of the story.
  2. Background: The second paragraph that provides context and background information on the story, including relevant facts and details.
  3. Main points: The body of the story that presents the main points, quotes, and information related to the story.
  4. Quotes: Direct quotes from sources, including experts, witnesses, or individuals involved in the story.
  5. Details: Additional information and details that support the main points and provide depth to the story.
  6. Conclusion: A summary of the main points and a final thought or takeaway from the story.
  7. Boilerplate: A brief summary of the story, often used in news wires and online headlines.

Additional elements that may be included in a news story:

  1. Headline: A concise and attention-grabbing title that summarizes the story.
  2. Dateline: The location and date of the story, often included at the top of the article.
  3. Byline: The name of the journalist who wrote the story.
  4. Subheadlines: Additional headings that break up the story and provide a summary of the main points.
  5. Photos and graphics: Visual elements that support the story and help to illustrate the main points.
  6. Sidebars: Additional information or related stories that provide further context and depth to the main story.
  7. Fact boxes: Brief summaries of key facts and statistics related to the story.

The Inverted Pyramid structure is a common approach to writing news stories, which prioritizes the most important information at the top and gradually provides more detail and context as the story unfolds. This structure is designed to ensure that the most critical information is conveyed quickly and efficiently to the reader.

Here's an example of a news story structure:

Lead: A massive fire broke out at a warehouse in downtown Los Angeles last night, causing widespread damage and displacing hundreds of residents.

Background: The fire, which began at around 10pm, is believed to have been caused by an electrical malfunction. Firefighters responded quickly to the scene, but not before the blaze had spread to several nearby buildings.

Main points: The fire has left hundreds of residents without homes, and many are being housed in temporary shelters. The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but officials say it is not believed to be suspicious.

Quotes: "We're doing everything we can to support the affected residents and get them back on their feet as quickly as possible," said Mayor Sarah Johnson.

Details: The fire department has launched an investigation into the cause of the blaze, and officials say they are working to determine the extent of the damage.

Conclusion: The fire is a devastating blow to the community, but officials are working to provide support and assistance to those affected.

Boilerplate: A massive fire broke out at a warehouse in downtown Los Angeles, causing widespread damage and displacing hundreds of residents.