News story example for students

Here's an example of a news story that students can use as a model:

Headline: "New Study Reveals Surprising Benefits of Reading"

Subheadline: "Research finds that reading can improve mental health, boost creativity, and even increase empathy"

Dateline: Washington, D.C. - March 10, 2023

Byline: Emily Johnson, Staff Writer

In a study published today in the Journal of Cognitive Psychology, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have found that reading can have a significant impact on mental health, creativity, and empathy.

The study, which surveyed over 1,000 adults, found that people who read regularly were more likely to experience improved mental health, including reduced stress and anxiety. The researchers also found that reading can increase creativity, as it exposes readers to new ideas and perspectives.

Perhaps most surprisingly, the study found that reading can even increase empathy, as it allows readers to step into the shoes of characters and understand their experiences.

"We were amazed by the results," said Dr. Jane Smith, lead author of the study. "We knew that reading had many benefits, but we didn't realize just how profound they could be. This study shows that reading is not just a hobby, but a powerful tool for improving our mental and emotional well-being."

The study's findings are likely to be welcomed by book lovers and educators alike. Many schools and libraries are already incorporating reading programs into their curricula, and this study provides further evidence of the importance of reading in today's society.

In related news, the National Book Foundation has announced a new initiative to promote reading and literacy among children and adults. The foundation will be providing grants to schools and libraries to support reading programs and events.

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Questions for discussion:

This example includes many of the elements that are typically found in a news story, including:

I hope this example is helpful!