News shopper

A "news shopper" is a term used to describe a person who buys and sells news articles, often in the form of online content. News shoppers typically work for online news aggregators, content mills, or other organizations that produce and distribute news content.

The role of a news shopper typically involves:

  1. Researching and identifying news stories: News shoppers search for and identify news stories that are relevant to their audience and that can be purchased or licensed from other sources.
  2. Negotiating with news providers: News shoppers negotiate with news providers, such as wire services, news agencies, or individual journalists, to purchase or license news content.
  3. Purchasing and licensing news content: News shoppers purchase or license news content from news providers, often on a per-article or per-package basis.
  4. Editing and formatting news content: News shoppers may edit and format the news content to fit the style and tone of their organization's website or publication.
  5. Publishing and distributing news content: News shoppers publish and distribute the news content to their audience, often through online channels such as websites, social media, or email newsletters.

News shoppers play an important role in the news industry, as they help to aggregate and distribute news content to a wide audience. However, the role of news shoppers has been criticized in some cases, as some news shoppers have been accused of prioritizing profit over quality and accuracy in their reporting.