News sex and the city 2

The highly anticipated sequel to the iconic HBO series "Sex and the City"! Here's the scoop on "Sex and the City 2":

Release Date: May 27, 2010

Plot: The movie picks up where the series left off, with Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) and her friends - Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall), Charlotte York Goldenblatt (Kristin Davis), and Miranda Hobbes (Cynthia Nixon) - navigating their lives in New York City.

The story revolves around Carrie's struggles with her marriage to Mr. Big (Chris Noth), Samantha's new business ventures, Charlotte's growing family, and Miranda's career ambitions. Meanwhile, the girls embark on a luxurious trip to Abu Dhabi, where they experience a culture clash and learn valuable lessons about friendship, love, and themselves.

Reception: The movie received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising the chemistry between the leads and the nostalgic value, while others found it too formulaic and lacking the edge of the original series.

Box Office: Despite the mixed reviews, "Sex and the City 2" performed reasonably well at the box office, grossing over $295 million worldwide.

Fun Facts:

  1. The movie was filmed in New York City, Los Angeles, and Morocco.
  2. The iconic "Sex and the City" fashion was once again a highlight of the film, with Carrie's wardrobe designed by Patricia Field.
  3. The movie's soundtrack featured a mix of classic and contemporary tracks, including songs by Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Jennifer Hudson.
  4. The film's climax features a memorable dance number, choreographed by Rob Ashford, which was inspired by the classic musical "West Side Story".

**What did you think of "Sex and the City 2"? Did you enjoy the movie, or were you disappointed by the lack of depth and complexity compared to the series? Share your thoughts!