News script writing

Here is a sample news script writing template:

Title: [Insert title of the news story]


[ Anchor's voice ]

Good evening, I'm [Anchor's name] and this is [News program name]. Tonight, we're bringing you a special report on [Topic of the story]. Our top story tonight is [Brief summary of the story].

Segment 1:

[ Anchor's voice ]

We begin with a developing story from [Location]. A [brief description of the event] has left [number] people injured and [number] buildings damaged. Our correspondent, [Correspondent's name], is live on the scene. [Correspondent's voice]

[Correspondent's report]

[Visuals: Footage of the event, interviews with witnesses or experts]

Segment 2:

[ Anchor's voice ]

In other news, [brief summary of the second story]. Our business correspondent, [Correspondent's name], has more on the impact of this development on the economy. [Correspondent's voice]

[Correspondent's report]

[Visuals: Graphics, charts, or footage related to the story]

Segment 3:

[ Anchor's voice ]

And finally, [brief summary of the third story]. Our entertainment correspondent, [Correspondent's name], has the latest on the latest blockbuster movie. [Correspondent's voice]

[Correspondent's report]

[Visuals: Footage or interviews related to the story]


[ Anchor's voice ]

That's all for tonight. Thank you for joining us. We'll be back tomorrow with more news and updates. Until then, goodnight.

Closing credits:

[Closing music plays]

Additional tips:

Script format: