News rm

You're looking for news related to the "rm" command!

Here are some recent news articles and updates about the "rm" command:

  1. rm -i: A New Flag for the rm Command (2022): The Linux kernel has introduced a new flag for the rm command, "-i", which prompts the user to confirm before deleting a file. This feature aims to reduce accidental file deletions. (Source: Phoronix)
  2. rm: A Brief History of the Command (2020): This article provides a brief history of the rm command, from its origins in the 1970s to its current use in various operating systems. (Source: Linux Journal)
  3. rm: A Guide to Using the Command (2020): This tutorial provides an in-depth guide on how to use the rm command, including its various options and flags. (Source: DigitalOcean)
  4. rm: A Security Concern in Linux (2019): This article discusses a security vulnerability in the rm command that allowed attackers to delete files without permission. (Source: The Hacker News)
  5. rm: A New Feature in macOS (2019): Apple has introduced a new feature in macOS, called "Secure Delete", which uses the rm command to securely delete files. (Source: Apple Insider)

These are just a few examples of recent news and updates related to the "rm" command. If you're interested in learning more, I can provide you with additional resources!