News presentation example

Here's an example of a news presentation:

Breaking News:

[Intro music plays and the anchor, a serious-looking woman with a professional smile, appears on screen]

Anchor: "Good evening, I'm [Anchor's name] and this is [News program name]. We have breaking news coming in from [Location]. Reports are emerging of a [briefly describe the situation]. We're going to bring you live updates as more information becomes available."

[Cut to a graphic with the headline "BREAKING: [Location] Hit by [Event]"]

Anchor: "According to eyewitnesses, [briefly describe what happened]. The [location] authorities have confirmed that [number] people have been injured and [number] are still missing. We're going to go live now to our correspondent in the field, [Correspondent's name], who has been following this story all day."

[Cut to the correspondent, a man with a microphone, standing in front of a chaotic scene]

Correspondent: "Thank you, [Anchor's name]. I'm here in [Location], where the situation is still unfolding. I've spoken to eyewitnesses who describe the scene as 'chaotic' and 'terrifying'. The authorities are working to evacuate the area and provide aid to those affected. We'll continue to bring you updates as more information becomes available."

[Cut back to the anchor]

Anchor: "Thank you, [Correspondent's name]. We'll continue to follow this story and bring you updates as more information becomes available. In the meantime, we want to hear from you. Share your thoughts and reactions with us on social media using the hashtag # [Hashtag]."

[Cut to a graphic with the hashtag and a call to action to share reactions]

Anchor: "And now, let's take a look at some of the other top stories making headlines tonight. [Briefly summarize the other stories]. We'll have more on those stories in just a moment."

[Cut to a graphic with the other top stories]

Anchor: "And finally, we want to take a moment to remember the victims of [Tragic event]. Our thoughts are with their families and loved ones during this difficult time."

[Closing music plays and the anchor appears on screen again]

Anchor: "That's all for tonight. Thank you for joining us. We'll be back tomorrow with more news and updates. Goodnight, and stay safe."

[Outro music plays and the program ends]

This is just an example, but a news presentation typically includes: