News pitch

Here's a potential news pitch:

Title: "The Hidden Cost of Convenience: How the Rise of Delivery Apps is Impacting Local Businesses and Communities"

Summary: The rise of delivery apps like Uber Eats, GrubHub, and DoorDash has revolutionized the way we order food, but at what cost? Our investigation reveals that these apps are not only taking a significant cut of local businesses' profits, but also contributing to the decline of small-town main streets and the erosion of community character.

Key Findings:

Story Angle: Our investigation will explore the impact of delivery apps on local businesses and communities, and examine the ways in which these apps are changing the way we interact with our surroundings. We'll also speak with local business owners, community leaders, and experts to get their perspectives on the issue.

Visuals: We'll include photos and videos of empty main streets, struggling local businesses, and interviews with business owners and community leaders. We'll also create an interactive map to show the locations of local businesses that have been impacted by the rise of delivery apps.

Target Audience: This story will appeal to anyone who cares about the future of their community and the impact of technology on local businesses. It will also resonate with readers who are concerned about the decline of small-town America and the erosion of community character.

Platforms: This story will be published on our website and social media channels, and will be promoted through email newsletters and online advertising.

Timeline: We plan to publish this story within the next 6 weeks, and will continue to update it with new information and developments as the issue evolves.

I hope this gives you a sense of what a news pitch might look like!