News page 3

A blast from the past! Page 3 was a famous section in British newspapers, particularly The Sun, that featured a topless model or celebrity. The section was known for its provocative and often humorous content, and was a staple of British popular culture for many years.

However, in 2015, The Sun announced that it would be axing Page 3, citing changing attitudes towards nudity and the rise of online media. The decision was met with both praise and criticism, with some hailing it as a victory for feminism and others lamenting the loss of a beloved institution.

But fear not, dear reader! While Page 3 may be no more, there are still plenty of other ways to get your daily dose of news and entertainment. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. The Sun's website: While Page 3 may be gone, The Sun's website still features a range of news, sport, and entertainment content.
  2. Other British newspapers: Papers like The Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph, and The Guardian still feature a range of news and opinion pieces.
  3. Online news sites: There are plenty of online news sites that offer a range of content, from news and politics to entertainment and lifestyle.
  4. Social media: Follow your favorite news sources and celebrities on social media to stay up-to-date with the latest news and gossip.

So while Page 3 may be gone, there are still plenty of ways to stay informed and entertained.