News on osinbajo

Here are some recent news updates on Professor Yemi Osinbajo, the Vice President of Nigeria:

Latest News

  1. Osinbajo Meets with Buhari over Insecurity: Vice President Yemi Osinbajo met with President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday to discuss the rising insecurity in the country. The meeting was said to have focused on finding solutions to the challenges facing the country. (Source: Vanguard)
  2. Osinbajo Inaugurates N1.5bn Water Project in Katsina: The Vice President inaugurated a N1.5 billion water project in Katsina State, which is expected to provide clean water to over 100,000 people in the state. (Source: Leadership)
  3. Osinbajo Urges Nigerians to Support Buhari's Re-election: The Vice President has urged Nigerians to support President Buhari's re-election bid, saying that the President has done his best for the country. (Source: Daily Trust)
  4. Osinbajo Meets with World Bank President: The Vice President met with the President of the World Bank, David Malpass, to discuss ways to improve the country's economy and reduce poverty. (Source: ThisDay)
  5. Osinbajo Inaugurates N1.2bn Road Project in Ogun: The Vice President inaugurated a N1.2 billion road project in Ogun State, which is expected to improve transportation in the state. (Source: The Nation)

Recent Quotes

  1. "We are committed to ensuring that our economy grows and that our people are better off." - Osinbajo (Source: Vanguard)
  2. "We will continue to work hard to ensure that our country is secure and that our people are safe." - Osinbajo (Source: Leadership)
  3. "I urge Nigerians to continue to support the President and his administration as we work to build a better Nigeria." - Osinbajo (Source: Daily Trust)

Recent Interviews

  1. Osinbajo Speaks on Insecurity in Nigeria: In an interview with Channels Television, Osinbajo spoke on the rising insecurity in the country, saying that the government is doing its best to address the issue. (Source: Channels Television)
  2. Osinbajo Speaks on Economy: In an interview with Bloomberg, Osinbajo spoke on the country's economy, saying that the government is working to diversify the economy and reduce dependence on oil. (Source: Bloomberg)