News on dino melaye

Dino Melaye is a Nigerian politician and former senator who has been involved in several controversies and news stories over the years. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Arrest and Detention: In 2019, Dino Melaye was arrested and detained by the Nigerian Police Force for allegedly attempting to escape from a police vehicle while being taken to Kogi State for questioning. He was later released on bail.
  2. Fraud Allegations: In 2020, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) accused Melaye of fraudulently diverting N2.7 billion meant for the construction of roads in Kogi State. He denied the allegations and was later granted bail.
  3. Certificate Forgery: In 2020, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) accused Melaye of forging his certificate of return as a senator. Melaye denied the allegations and threatened to sue INEC.
  4. Police Investigation: In 2020, the Nigerian Police Force launched an investigation into allegations of armed robbery and kidnapping made against Melaye. He denied the allegations and claimed that they were politically motivated.
  5. Party Crisis: In 2020, Melaye was at the center of a crisis in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Kogi State, where he was accused of working against the party's candidate in the 2019 governorship election.
  6. Court Cases: Melaye has been involved in several court cases over the years, including a case against the Nigerian Police Force over alleged rights violations. He has also been sued by individuals and organizations over various issues.
  7. Personal Life: Melaye has been involved in several controversies related to his personal life, including allegations of domestic violence and infidelity.

It's worth noting that Melaye has denied many of the allegations made against him and has claimed that they are politically motivated. However, the controversies surrounding him have led to widespread criticism and calls for his resignation or prosecution.