News on asuu strike 2022

The ASUU strike 2022 refers to the ongoing strike action by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in Nigeria, which began on February 14, 2022. Here are some recent updates on the strike:

Latest Developments:

  1. Meeting with FG: ASUU and the Federal Government (FG) held a meeting on March 7, 2022, to discuss the ongoing strike. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige, and other government officials.
  2. FG's Offer: The FG offered to pay the outstanding salaries of ASUU members, but the union rejected the offer, saying it was not enough to address the underlying issues.
  3. ASUU's Demands: ASUU is demanding improved funding for public universities, the revitalization of the universities, and the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement.
  4. Students' Suffering: The strike has caused significant disruption to academic activities, with many students unable to attend classes or complete their academic programs.
  5. Court Injunction: A Federal High Court in Abuja has issued an injunction restraining ASUU from continuing the strike, but the union has refused to comply, citing the FG's failure to address their demands.

Recent Quotes:

  1. ASUU President: "We are not going back to work until our demands are met. We are not going to be intimidated by any court order or any other form of pressure." - ASUU President, Professor Emmanuel Osodeke.
  2. FG Minister: "We are willing to pay the outstanding salaries of ASUU members, but we cannot pay them all at once. We need to discuss the modalities." - Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige.

Public Reactions:

  1. Students' Protest: Students from various universities have taken to the streets to protest the strike, calling on the FG to address ASUU's demands.
  2. Parents' Concerns: Many parents are worried about the impact of the strike on their children's education and future.
  3. Academic Community: The strike has sparked debate among academics and education experts, with some calling for a more sustainable solution to the crisis.

Next Steps:

  1. ASUU's Next Move: ASUU is expected to continue its strike action until its demands are met.
  2. FG's Response: The FG may consider implementing some of ASUU's demands or offering alternative solutions to resolve the crisis.
  3. Court Intervention: The court injunction may be enforced, but ASUU has indicated that it will not comply with the order.

Please note that the situation is still evolving, and updates may change rapidly. I will do my best to provide accurate and timely information.