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Here are the latest news from Iran:

Top Stories

  1. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called for the execution of those responsible for the downing of a Ukrainian passenger plane: Khamenei made the statement during a meeting with the families of the victims, according to state media. The plane was shot down by Iranian missiles on January 8, killing all 176 people on board.
  2. Iran's economy is struggling to recover from US sanctions: The Iranian rial has lost over 60% of its value against the US dollar since 2018, and inflation is running at over 40%. The government has implemented austerity measures, including price controls and subsidies, but the economy remains in crisis.
  3. Protests continue in Iran over economic conditions: Demonstrations have been held in several cities, including Tehran, Isfahan, and Shiraz, with protesters demanding better living conditions and an end to corruption. The government has responded with force, killing several protesters and arresting hundreds more.

International Relations

  1. Iran and the US are engaged in a war of words over the downing of the Ukrainian plane: The US has imposed new sanctions on Iran in response to the incident, while Iran has accused the US of "lying" about its role in the crash.
  2. Iran's relations with Europe are strained: The EU has imposed sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, and Iran has responded by increasing its uranium enrichment activities. The two sides are engaged in talks to resolve the issue, but a breakthrough appears unlikely in the near future.
  3. Iran and Russia are strengthening their military ties: The two countries have signed a number of defense agreements, including a deal to develop a new fighter jet. The partnership is seen as a response to the growing military presence of the US and its allies in the region.

Domestic Politics

  1. Iran's parliament has approved a bill to increase the country's military budget: The bill, which was passed with a majority of 244 to 1, aims to increase the military budget by 15% in the next fiscal year.
  2. Iran's Supreme Leader has appointed a new head of the Revolutionary Guards: The appointment of General Hossein Salami as the new head of the Revolutionary Guards has been seen as a sign of the growing influence of hardline elements within the Iranian military.
  3. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has called for greater economic cooperation with neighboring countries: Rouhani made the statement during a meeting with the foreign ministers of the Caspian Sea littoral states, including Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan.