News meaning north east west south

A clever question!

In navigation and geography, the terms "North", "East", "West", and "South" are used to describe the directions or orientations of locations, routes, and movements. Here's a brief rundown of each:

  1. North (N): The direction opposite to the Earth's equator, towards the North Pole. In the Northern Hemisphere, north is generally considered "up" or "above", while in the Southern Hemisphere, it's "down" or "below".
  2. East (E): The direction towards the rising sun, or the direction opposite to the West. In the Northern Hemisphere, east is generally considered "right" or "to the right", while in the Southern Hemisphere, it's "left" or "to the left".
  3. West (W): The direction opposite to the East, towards the setting sun. In the Northern Hemisphere, west is generally considered "left" or "to the left", while in the Southern Hemisphere, it's "right" or "to the right".
  4. South (S): The direction opposite to the North, towards the South Pole. In the Northern Hemisphere, south is generally considered "down" or "below", while in the Southern Hemisphere, it's "up" or "above".

These directions are used in various contexts, such as:

I hope that helps clarify the meanings of North, East, West, and South!