News logo maker

A news logo maker! Here are some tips and tools to help you create a professional-looking news logo:

Design Principles:

  1. Simple and Bold: A news logo should be easy to recognize and remember. Use simple shapes, bold fonts, and a limited color palette.
  2. Authenticity: Reflect the values and mission of your news organization. Use imagery or typography that conveys trust, credibility, and authority.
  3. Uniqueness: Avoid clichés and generic designs. Create a unique logo that stands out from the crowd.


  1. Adobe Illustrator: A popular vector graphics editor for creating logos. Offers a free trial and subscription options.
  2. Canva: A user-friendly graphic design platform with a wide range of templates, fonts, and design elements. Offers a free version and paid subscriptions.
  3. Logojoy: An AI-powered logo maker that uses machine learning to create custom logos. Offers a free trial and paid subscriptions.
  4. Tailor Brands: A logo maker that uses AI to create custom logos based on your input. Offers a free trial and paid subscriptions.

Design Elements:

  1. Typography: Use a bold, sans-serif font to convey authority and professionalism. Consider using a custom font or a font with a news-related theme (e.g., a font with a newspaper or book-inspired design).
  2. Imagery: Incorporate imagery that reflects your news organization's focus or values. This could include icons, symbols, or graphics related to journalism, news, or current events.
  3. Color Scheme: Choose a color scheme that reflects your brand's personality and values. Neutral colors like black, white, and gray are often effective for news logos, but you can also use bold colors to make a statement.
  4. Iconography: Consider using an icon or symbol that represents your news organization's mission or values. This could be a stylized letter, a symbol, or a graphic element.


  1. Keep it Simple: Avoid clutter and keep your design simple and easy to read.
  2. Use Negative Space: Negative space can be a powerful design element. Use it to create a sense of balance and harmony in your design.
  3. Test and Refine: Test your design with different fonts, colors, and imagery. Refine your design based on feedback and your own design principles.
  4. Make it Scalable: Ensure your design is scalable and looks good in various sizes and resolutions.

Here's an example of a news logo design:

Logo Design:

Remember, a great news logo is one that effectively communicates your brand's values and mission while being simple, bold, and memorable.