News jokes

Here are some news-themed jokes:

  1. Why did the news anchor break up with his girlfriend? Because she was always changing the channel on him!
  2. Why did the journalist quit his job? Because he couldn't get the story straight!
  3. What did the news headline say? "Cat Found Alive in Tree, Owner Still Missing"
  4. Why did the news reporter bring a ladder to the press conference? Because he wanted to take his reporting to new heights!
  5. What did the news anchor say when his cat walked across the desk? "And in local news, a cat has taken over the studio!"
  6. Why did the news team go to the gym? To get some "hard-hitting" exercise!
  7. What did the news anchor say when his coffee mug broke? "That's a real news flash!"
  8. Why did the journalist become a baker? Because he kneaded the dough!
  9. What did the news headline say? "Nation in Shock as Pizza Delivery Guy Shows Up on Time"
  10. Why did the news reporter go to the doctor? Because he had a "scoop" on his health!
  11. What did the news anchor say when his dog ran away? "And in breaking news, our top story tonight is the disappearance of my beloved pup!"
  12. Why did the news team go to the amusement park? To get a "thrill" of the chase!
  13. What did the news headline say? "Local Man Found to be 10 Minutes Late to His Own Funeral"
  14. Why did the journalist become a musician? Because he wanted to "report" to the beat!
  15. What did the news anchor say when his cat knocked over a vase? "And in local news, a cat has caused a bit of a mess in the studio!"

I hope these jokes bring a smile to your face!