News intro script

Here's a sample news intro script:

[Upbeat music starts playing]

Announcer: "Good evening, and welcome to [News Program Name]! I'm your anchor, [Name], and we're coming to you live from [Studio Location]."

[Cut to a graphic with the news program's logo and a brief summary of the top stories]

Announcer: "Tonight, we're bringing you the latest developments on the [Top Story 1], as well as updates on [Top Story 2] and [Top Story 3]. Plus, we'll have exclusive interviews with [Key Figures] and analysis from our team of experts."

[Cut back to the anchor]

Announcer: "But first, let's take a look at what's making headlines around the world. Our top story tonight is [Top Story 1], with [Brief Summary]. We'll have more on that story in just a minute."

[Cut to a graphic with the news program's logo and a call to action, such as "Stay tuned for more on this developing story"]

Announcer: "And that's not all. We'll also be taking a closer look at [Other Story], and exploring the impact it's having on [Affected Community]."

[Cut back to the anchor]

Announcer: "So, let's get started. I'm [Name], and welcome to [News Program Name]. We'll be with you throughout the evening, bringing you the latest news and analysis from around the world."

[Music continues to play as the anchor introduces the first segment]

This script is just a sample, and you can customize it to fit your specific news program and style. The key is to provide a clear and concise introduction that sets the tone for the rest of the program and gives viewers an idea of what to expect.